Contents Introduction Overview 1.01 What is Distributor? 1.02 The Database 1.03 The Need for Distributor 1.04 Features & Benefits Installation Guide 2.01 Installation - Phase 1 2.02 Installation - Phase 2 2.03 Single Server Network Setup Strategy and Planning 3.01 The Master Software Station 3.02 What are Items and Groups? 3.03 Scenario for a 5-User System 3.04 Basic Guidelines Administrator's Guide 4.01 Directory Structure 4.02 Distributor Administration Program Overview 4.03 How to Add a File Item 4.04 How To Add a Software Item 4.05 How To Add An Action Item 4.06 How To Add A Node Item 4.07 How To Add A User Item 4.08 How To Add a Software Group 4.09 How To Add A Node Group 4.10 How To Add a User Group 4.11 How To Change Global Distributor Settings 4.12 How to Browse Node Sessions 4.13 How to Browse Node Updates 4.14 How to Browse Node Actions 4.15 How to Clear Node Logs 4.16 Running the Client Program 4.17 Running the Select Program 4.18 Backing Up the Database 4.19 Unloading The NLM Program Utilities 5.01 INI File Editor 5.02 Text File Editor 5.03 PROGMAN.INI Builder Glossary Appendices 7.01 Client Program Error Messages 7.02 Data Definition Files (DDF's) 7.03 Trouble Shooting Demonstrations & Tutorials 8.01 Quick Start Tutorial Introduction This book contains information on how to install and maintain Distributor on a Novell network. It is divided into the following major parts: þ Overview þ Installation Guide þ Strategy and Planning þ Administrator's Guide þ Utilities þ Glossary þ Appendices þ Demonstration & Tutorials Warranty & Liabilities WARRANTY This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Consult Computers Pty. Ltd. does not warrant that the software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be error free. You are solely responsible for the selection of the software and the results obtained from use of the software. Consult Computers Pty. Ltd. does not warrant that the media on which the software is supplied is free from errors and defects. Diskettes damaged under normal use should be returned promptly for replacement. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES AND LIABILITIES In no event shall Consult Computers Pty. Ltd. be liable to you for any damages, claims or losses whatsoever, including but not limited to, any claims for lost savings or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software regardless of circumstances. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of Victoria, Australia. Trademarks and Product References Btrieve, Netware & Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NOTE: Any trademarks and or products referred to in this manual are the property of their respective owners. PART 1 Overview This section covers the basics about Distributor. The network administrator would be advised to read this section to get a better understanding of the product. 1.01 What is Distributor? Distributor is a software distribution system designed to distribute software automatically across Novell(tm) networks. Distributor consists of six major parts. The NLM server program, the Administration program, the Client program, Data Definition Files, Database Tables and several file maintenance utilities. þ NLM Server The NLM server program is loaded on a server on the network. Its sole task is to receive and send instructions to nodes. þ ADMINISTRATION Program The Administration program is used to define what software is distributed to nodes and also to report on what downloads each node has performed. þ CLIENT Program The Client program runs the distribution process on each node and instigates the distribution of software and actions performed by each node. þ Data Definition Files The DDF's are supplied to allow reporting and querying to be accomplished from the Microsoft Access program. þ Database Tables The Distributor Database is the key in storing the actions and software that each node on the network has access to. Btrieve tables are used as Btrieve is supplied with Novell Netware. þ UTILITY Programs The Utility programs are used in conjunction with the Client program to further automate workstation updates. 1.02 The Database Distributor uses a set of Btrieve tables to maintain the necessary information to run Distributor on a network. This database need only reside on one of the servers on the network. The only access required to the database is by the NLM Server and the Administration Programs. Btrieve 6.1x or greater is required to be loaded on the server prior to loading the NLM. Btrieve comes with Netware and is loaded from the system console. For further instructions on loading Btrieve on your server, refer to the instructions in your Netware Btrieve manual. 1.03 The Need for Distributor For some time now, there has been a need in the network market place for a product like Distributor. From the introduction of networks, administrators have constantly been hounded with the requirement of updating software on workstations. Up until now, updating software across networks was a tedious and time- consuming job, especially for large networks. Distributor has made it easier and faster to install, update and monitor software on workstations. 1.04 Features & Benefits Distributor has many features that are important to know about before you begin using the product. This section talks about these features and the benefits that will help you automate software distribution across your network. Distributor Database Security The only access required to the Distributor database is by the NLM server program and the Administration program. All nodes running the Client program do not require any access whatsoever to the Distributor database, including the server on which the database resides. GUI Administration Program The Distributor Administration program is a DOS based program with remapped graphical controls and full mouse support. The Administration program can be run from DOS, including a WINDOWS(tm) or OS/2(tm) DOS box. Keep Track of Software Licenses With the help of Distributor the Administrator can maintain software licences accurately. For example, on a network of 1,000 nodes you may only have a 100 user site licence for a particular product. Distributor enables the administrator to monitor the number of copies assigned to nodes on the network. File Security Node Security helps prevent the spread of viruses throughout a network. The Administrator can assign each node with only the software needed by that node. If a user alters any of the software on the node, the next time their node runs the Client program all alterations will be undone. For example, a user copies a game onto their node. The next time they login (and run the Distributor Client program), that game will be erased. If Node Security is enabled, all invalid directories will be erased from the workstation when the Distributor Client program is run. Software Product Security Software product security keeps unwanted files out of all software product directories. The administrator can flag a software directory with security in order to prevent the addition of unwanted files in that directory. All unwanted files are deleted when the node runs the Client program. Salvaging of Files Nodes can be flagged as salvageable, so that any files deleted from software directories on a node will be first copied to a designated location - generally on a server. This helps prevent loss of files if a user has inadvertently saved an important file locally. Read & Write Conflicts in Software Distribution Distributor checks to make sure that software distribution conflicts do not occur when source software files are being updated on a server (with Distributor) while nodes (running Distributor) are reading from the same directory. Netware 3.1x and 4.xx Support The Distributor NLM will run on both Netware 3.1x and 4.xx file servers. It's load size is approximately 100K. It is a multi-threaded NLM that uses up to 6 threads simultaneously to service client requests. Node/User Security Nodes or node groups can be restricted to certain users or user groups. This feature can make certain work stations secure from various users. Only those users or user groups that are linked to the restricted nodes or node groups will have access to run Distributor. PCs Can Perform Actions Besides being able to download software to a PC or file server, the PC that runs the client program has the ability to run ACTIONS. These actions can be batch files or executable programs, or a combination of both. An action has a return code. If that return code is non-zero, then the distribution session will terminate immediately. Distributor supplies a number of utilities that allow the configuration of a PC's INI and TEXT files, as well as other utilities. Priority in Software Download and Performing Actions Distributor gives the administrator the ability to prioritize the download of software and performing actions. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9999. For a node, all software to be downloaded and all actions to be performed will occur in the designated priority order specified in the software or action item. For example, the following software & action items: Software #1, priority 100 Software #2, priority 50 Action #1, priority 5 Software #3, priority 150 Action #2, priority 200 The download/action order will be: Action #1, Software #2, Software #1, Software #3, Action #2. Physical versus Logical Paths Distributor allows the administrator to specify physical or logical paths for a node item or node group. This gives greater flexibility for multiple server distribution across a network. Logical paths make more sense in that a global mapping can be used for all servers to download from, such as O:. When a node runs distributor, it maps to drive O: and uses this drive to download software to a local drive. The entire path for downloading software is given by the combination of the node or node group's source path + the file item's source path + the file item's filespec. Node Item's Source Path : O: File Item's Source Path : \DOS File Item's FileSpec : *.com The complete source path is O:\DOS\*.com Distributor is Very Fast Distributor downloads software very quickly. Once software is downloaded, the next time the node runs Distributor, the files are only checked and only those files that do not match exactly will be updated. Distribution is very fast because we have taken the time and effort to write the file download and checking routines in assembly language for the utmost speed. PART 2 Installation Guide Installing Distributor is completed in two phases: þ PHASE 1 The first phase simply copies the Distributor program files from the installation diskette onto your Netware Server. þ PHASE 2 The second phase is a series of steps designed to make Distributor operational on your network. 2.01 Installation - Phase 1 Step 1 Create DISTRIBUTOR Directory Create a directory on the file server. md f:\distribu.tor [enter] Change to that drive and directory. f: [enter] cd \distribu.tor [enter] Step 2 Unpack the DUNPACK.EXE Unpack the DISTRIBUTOR files by typing: Rename DUNPACK.EZE DUNPACK.EXE DUNPACK -d [enter] This is a self extracting executable that will create the necessary directories below f:\distribu.tor and place the appropriate files in each directory. Step 3 Complete Distributor should now be successfully installed! 2.02 Installation - Phase 2 Overview Now that Distributor is installed on your server, you need to perform certain actions in order for Distributor to become operational - for nodes on the network to begin downloading software and performing specific actions. NOTE: It is assumed that Distributor has been installed in the DEFAULT directory of SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR, on the server. If you have installed Distributor in another path, then substitute it in the necessary places in the steps below. 2.03 Single Server Network Setup Overview A series of steps are required to be completed in order for Distributor to be operational on a single server network. First, an overview of the directories used in conjunction with Distributor is given. A directory on one of the server's volumes is required to store the software to download to nodes, the actions that will be performed by nodes, salvaged files and the Distributor Client Program. These areas will be defined under the SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR directory. The final directory structure will be as follows: [SERVER/VOLUME]: DISTRIBU.TOR - TABLES - DEMO ADMIN SERVER CLIENT DDF SOFTWARE SALVAGE þ DISTRIBU.TOR\TABLES This directory will contain the production version of the Distributor Database. It consists of approximately 30 Btrieve files. Only the Distributor Administration Program requires access to this directory. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\TABLES\DEMO This directory contains the demonstration version of the Distributor Database. It contains information on a 5-user, single server network. This database is for the Administrator to get used to using the Distributor Administration Program. Only the Distributor Administration Program requires access to this directory. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\ADMIN This directory contains the Distributor Administration Program. Only the Administrator need have access to this directory. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\SERVER This directory contains the Distributor NLM Program that must be loaded at the server console. Only the Administrator need have access to this directory. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\CLIENT This directory contains the Distributor Client Program. All nodes that will use Distributor to download software and the perform actions must have access to this directory. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\DDF This directory contains the Data Definition Files required to access the Distributor Database Tables from the Microsoft Access product. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE* This directory will contain all the software that will be downloaded by the nodes running the Distributor Client Program. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\ACTION* This directory will contains all the batch files and executable programs that will be executed by various nodes running the Distributor Client Program. þ DISTRIBU.TOR\SALVAGE* This directory, and its subdirectories, will contain any files that have been deleted from nodes running the Distributor Client Program. NOTE: The directories with an Asterisk (*) next to them are created during this PHASE of the installation. Step by Step The following steps are required to make Distributor operational on a single server network: Step 1 Create a "DISTRIBUTOR" Group With the SYSCON Netware utility, create a new User Group called DISTRIBUTOR. Add all users to the group that will run be using Distributor to download software. With SYSCON, Give the DISTRIBUTOR Group the following Trustee Directory Assignments: þ SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE Read, Filescan (New Directory) þ SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\ACTION Read, Filescan (New Directory) þ SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\CLIENT Read, Filescan þ SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SALVAGE Read, Filescan, Write, Create Step 2 Modify the System Login Script From the SYSCON utility, add the following lines to the top of the system login script: ;------------------------------------------------- ; Distributor Section Begins Here ;------------------------------------------------- if member of "DISTRIBUTOR" then begin map ins s1:=SYS:PUBLIC map root o:=SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR #o:\client\sdclient.exe /a map del o: endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; Distributor Section Ends Here ;----------------------------------------------- NOTE: (Drive Mapping) If you are already mapping the "O:" drive for other uses, you may choose another drive letter to use for Distributor. The drive letter used to map Distributor is also referenced in the Distributor Administration Program. Step 3 Load Btrieve 6.1x The Distributor NLM Program requires Btrieve 6.1x to be loaded. This is accomplished by running the Btrieve batch file from the system console. Eg: bstart Step 4 Load the Distributor NLM Program The Distributor NLM Program must be loaded from the server console. First, copy the NLM into the SYS:SYSTEM directory for easier loading. Eg: ncopy sys:distribu.tor\server\*.nlm sys:system From the system console load the Distributor NLM Program. The NLM takes a parameter and will not load if it is invalid. The parameter specifies the full [VOLUME:PATH] name of where the Distributor Database is to be located. Eg: load sdserver sys:distribu.tor\tables NOTE: You may want to place an entry, like the one above, into the AUTOEXEC.NCF file for automatic loading when bringing up the server. ERRORS: The only messages displayed while loading the NLM should be the NLM version number, the Copyright message and the message stating the NLM loaded successfully. If any other messages are displayed, the NLM has not been loaded properly and should be unloaded. The problem should be resolved before loading the NLM again. An example of an error message is the Administrator types in the database path incorrectly. The NLM will respond with messages saying it could not open the necessary Btrieve files. Step 5 Automatic Registration of Nodes & Users The Distributor Client Program is now ready to be run by any node that is a member of the DISTRIBUTOR user group. Distributor will register all unknown nodes that run Distributor as a client. When a node logs into the network and runs the Distributor section in the system login script, the Distributor Client Program will be executed by the node. The NLM will check to see if the node is registered, and if not - it will add a node item entry for the node. Without any administration changes to the node's entry in the Distributor Database, all subsequent executions of the Distributor Client Program, by the node, will result in an error code of "(-2)The node is not available for use". The NLM flags all new automatic node entries as unavailable. After all nodes, that are members of the DISTRIBUTOR user group, have logged onto the server at least once, the Distributor Database will contain a single Node Item entry for every node. Step 6 Software to be Downloaded Now that the SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE directory has been created, you can create subdirectories under it that will contain all the possible software that will be downloaded by various nodes. Each subdirectory will be defined as a File Item in the Distributor Administration Program. For example, all nodes that can login to the server may run IPX.COM & NETX.COM beforehand. These files may be stored in a specific directory, called NETWARE, on the node. The Network Administrator may want to upgrade these files every now and again, so it makes sense to create a SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE\NETWARE directory to hold the latest versions of these files. Whenever these files are changed in the above directory, all nodes - that are linked to the software item that references these files - will download the changed IPX.COM & NETX.COM files. Step 7 Actions to be Performed Now that the SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\ACTION directory has been created, you can create subdirectories under it that will contain all the possible batch files and executable program that will be run from within the Distributor Client Program. An example, using one of the Utilities that comes with Distributor, is the Progman INI Builder Program. It's sole purpose in life is to take a stub file of a standard progman.ini file and append references for all *.GRP files found in a node's WINDOWS directory. The reason for this utility is the way in which software is downloaded from the server. In the case of WINDOWS software, most packages have their own group. These WINDOWS software products will sit in their own directories under the SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE directory, including their individual *.GRP files. Different nodes may have different combinations of WINDOWS software. For example, a node may have a copy of WORD for WINDOWS in their C:\WINWORD directory. The GRP file will reside in their C:\WINDOWS directory. WINDOWS knows what window groups (products) it has installed by reading the PROGMAN.INI file. So, to install a copy of WORD for WINDOWS on a node that does not have this product, the following would occur during the execution of the Distributor Client Program: þ Download the WORD for WINDOWS software into the node's C:\WINWORD directory. þ Download the WORD for WINDOWS *.GRP file into the node's C:\WINDOWS directory. þ Perform an Action that executes the PMIBUILD.EXE program from the node's C:\WINDOWS directory. With the PMIBUILD.TXT file found in the SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\ACTION directory, the PMIBUILD.EXE rebuilds the PROGMAN.INI file with all the *.GRP files found in the node's C:\WINDOWS directory. Step 8 The File Salvage Area A central area on the Network may be required to store files that are deleted from nodes. Each Node Item can be set to save (or not save) deleted files. This directory is called SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SALVAGE. Specific salvage areas can be set up for each node under this central area as sub directories. If the salvage flag is set for a particular node all files deleted from the node will be placed into the designated salvage area defined in the Node Item's setup. If the Node Item's salvage path is blank, then the first non-blank salvage path found in a Node Group (that the Node Item is linked to) will be used to store all files deleted from the node. Step 9 The Distributor Administration Program Now that the appropriate directories have been setup, it is time to tell the Distributor Administration Program what nodes get which software and what nodes perform which actions. To get a better understanding of how to use the Distributor Administration Program, it is suggested that you read the section on Strategy & Planning before running the Distributor Administration Program. PART 3 Strategy and Planning This section covers the basic strategy in setting up your network to use Distributor efficiently. Because Distributor is very flexible, you can have multiple relationships between node, software & actions. This section best advises the more efficient ways to link node to software and actions. 3.01 The Master Software Station Certain software needs to be installed before it can be distributed to other nodes. An example of this is WINDOWS. For nodes to run windows, an installed version of the product needs to have been installed for a similar environment (to the same drive and directory). This can only be achieved by designating a single node as the Master Software Station. On this node, the administrator will install, configure and test all software that will be distributed across the network. When a new software product has been installed and configured successfully on the Master Software Station, it is ready to be uploaded to the required source directories on the server(s). This is achieved by setting up the Master Software Station as a Node Item with a Source Path of C: (or a relevant local drive path) and a Target Path of O:, for example. This, of course, is the opposite for a normal node that would download the software from a server. When the Client program is run on the Master Software Station, Distributor checks to make sure that a READ/WRITE conflict does not occur between any nodes currently READing from the same directory that the Master Software Station is WRITing to. The rule is, first come - first served. If a node is already READing from a directory on a server and the Master Software Station wants to update that directory, it will wait until the directory is not being READ by any nodes before it begins to update the directory. The same applies for nodes wanting to READ from a directory when the Master Software Station is WRITing to a server directory. The node(s) will wait until the directory is not being WRITTen to by the Master Software Station. 3.02 What are Items and Groups? Items and Groups are the building blocks of the Distribution system in determining what nodes receive which software and what nodes perform which actions. An Item is a single unit. For example, a software item or a node item. A Group is made up of one or more items. Thus, by grouping items you are able to simplify the administration process. For example, creating a software group called STANDARD and linking it to a node group called EVERYONE, all the nodes in EVERYONE will receive the software in STANDARD. Not only can node items be linked to node groups, they can be linked to other groups or items. For example, a node item can be linked to a software item or software group or an action item. 3.03 Scenario for a 5-User System The simplest way to understand the power of Distributor is to peruse this example of a 5-User System. The Administrator has 5 nodes on the network. Among the nodes there will be the following software to download. Software Common to All Nodes All nodes will download the following software: ROOT, DOS, NETWARE. This is achieved in the following steps; þ Create Node Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. þ Create a Node Group called EVERYONE. þ Link all the Node Items to the EVERYONE Node Group. þ Create Software Items for ROOT, DOS & NETWARE. þ Create s Software Group called STANDARD. þ Link Software Items ROOT, DOS & NETWARE to the STANDARD Software Group. þ Link the EVERYONE Node Group to the STANDARD Software Group. Software Specific to Various Nodes Below is a list of software specific to each node: þ Node 1 WINDOWS, WORD FOR WINDOWS. þ Node 2 LOTUS 123, dBASE 4. ACCOUNTING. þ Node 3 dBASE 4, CLIPPER, REPORT WRITER. þ Node 4 DEAR DIARY, ACCOUNTING. þ Node 5 WINDOWS, CLIPPER, VISUAL C. Where a software item is used by more than one node a node group is recommended. For example, node 1 and node 5 each require the WINDOWS product. The most efficient way of assigning the WINDOWS product to nodes 1 and 5 is in the following steps; þ Create a Node Group called WINDOWS. þ Link Node Items 1 and 5 to the WINDOWS Node Group. þ Create a Software Item called WINDOWS. þ Link the WINDOWS Software Item to the WINDOWS Node Group. 3.04 Basic Guidelines Distributor is very flexible in defining relationships between Nodes, Software and Actions. As you become familiar with this product this will become apparent. However, to set you on your way here are some suggestions: þ Link Node Items to Node Groups wherever possible. þ Link Software Items to Software Groups wherever possible. þ Link Software Groups to Node Groups wherever possible. PART 4 Administrator's Guide This section shows you how to maintain node, software and action information for Distributor. The Distributor Administration Program is for the Network Administrator. It is a DOS program with a Graphical User Interface with a WINDOWS look and feel. The Administration Program lets you maintain node, software and action information, as well as displaying logs for nodes. Suffice to say, the Administration Program requires full read, write & modify rights to the Distributor Database files. 4.01 Directory Structure The following directories will exist below the Distributor directory. þ ADMIN This directory contains the Administration program and initialisation file used for configuration settings. þ CLIENT This directory contains the Client program. þ SERVER This directory contains the NLM server program. þ TABLES This directory contains the Btrieve database. þ ACTION This directory contains the Utilities that are part of Distributor. þ DDF This directory contains the Data Definition Files required to access the Distributor Database Tables from the Microsoft Access product. þ SOFTWARE* This directory contains a copy of all Software downloaded to various Nodes. þ SALVAGE* This directory is designed to store backups of files deleted from various Nodes during the distribution process. NOTE: Directories with an asterisk next to them are not created during phase 1 of the installation. They are created during phase 2. 4.02 Distributor Administration Program Overview Running the Administration Program Just like the Distributor NLM Program, the Distributor Administration Program takes a mandatory parameter - the full pathname of the Distributor Database. For example, if the Distributor Database files are located on F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\TABLES, then the DOS command to execute the Administration Program (assuming it is in your path) is: sdadmin f:\distribu.tor\tables [enter] BarMenu Options There are four main menu options: þ ITEM þ GROUP þ REPORT þ UTILITY Each main menu option, when selected, will open a submenu that will contains one or more options. The ITEM SubMenu Options þ FILE This option lets you maintain file items. A file item is a group of files in a directory. þ SOFTWARE This option lets you maintain software items. A software item is a group of file items. þ ACTION This option lets you maintain actions. An action is performed by a node. An action is generally a batch file containing DOS batch commands or executable programs. þ NODE This option lets you maintain node items. A node item contains information about a node on the network. þ USER This option lets you maintain user items. A user item contains information about a user on the network. The GROUP SubMenu Options þ SOFTWARE This option lets you maintain software groups. A software group contains one or more software items. þ NODE This option lets you maintain node groups. A node group contains one or more node items. þ USER This option lets you maintain user groups. A user group contains one or more user items. The REPORT SubMenu Options þ LOGS This option lets you view node session, update and action logs. The UTILITY SubMenu Options þ SETUP This option lets you configure global settings for Distributor. þ CLOCK This option displays a window showing the date and time. þ ABOUT This option displays a window showing information about the administration program. 4.03 How to Add a File Item Overview File Items File items are the basis for all software items. A file item defines a specific physical of logical path. Attached to the path is a filespec. This filespec defines what files are to be referenced during the distribution process. Wildcards are acceptable. A file item has the ability to ignore up to three separate filespecs. During distribution of the files referenced by the file item, any files that exist in the target path that match any of the ignore filespecs will not be updated or deleted. Any files that match the file item's filespec that do not exist in the target will be added, though, regardless of the ignore filespecs. The source and target paths of the file item are appended to the node item or node group's source and target paths respectively. (The node item is selected by the node's address. If the node item's paths are undefined, the first node group that the node item is linked to that has defined paths will be used.) The Archive, Hidden, System & ReadOnly check boxes are used to further distinguish a source file from the target file. A match is made when the source and target files' names, dates, times & sizes are identical. A further check is made between the files' attributes, given the attribute check boxes are checked. For example, the full source and target paths for software distribution, given a valid file item and valid node item: Source Path: o:\software\dos\*.* Target Path: c:\dos\*.* Files in both directories are checked against each other and if they differ, the source file is updated/copied to the target file. This is the purest form of software distribution on the lowest level the directory comparison. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the ITEM option. From the submenu select the FILE option. Step 2 Browsing File Items File ITEM Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a File Item Create FILE Item (WINDOW) þ NAME Type in the name of the file item. þ FILESPEC Type in the DOS filespec of the files to be included in the file item. Do not include any backslashes. Ie: \*.com is invalid and should be *.com. þ SOURCE PATH Type in the full directory name where the files are (will be) held. Do not end the path is a backslash. Ie: \DOS\ is invalid and should be \DOS. þ TARGET PATH Type in the full directory name to where the files will be distributed. Do not end the path is a backslash. Ie: \DOS\ is invalid and should be \DOS. þ AVAILABLE When checked this file item is available for distribution. þ SECURITY When checked, all files in the target directory that do not match the filespec will be deleted during distribution. þ ARCHIVE** When checked, all files compared in between the source & target areas that do not have matching ARCHIVE bits will be UPDATED. þ HIDDEN** When checked, all files compared in between the source & target areas that do not have matching HIDDEN bits will be UPDATED. þ SYSTEM** When checked, all files compared in between the source & target areas that do not have matching SYSTEM bits will be UPDATED. þ READONLY** When checked, all files compared in between the source & target areas that do not have matching READONLY bits will be UPDATED. þ NOTES (optional) Type in information you may find relevant. þ IGNORE FILESPEC #1, #2, #3 (optional) Enter in FileSpecs to be ignored in the Target Path. Do not include any backslashes. Ie: \*.txt is invalid and should be *.txt. þ SOFTWARE...* This button opens the FILE ITEM vs Software Item window. See Step 4. þ SAVE This button saves the new file item. þ QUIT This button aborts the new file item entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the File Item is SAVEd. NOTE: Options with two asterisks (**) next to them denote that files will be compared on the attribute level only if the compared files match by NAME, DATE, SIZE & TIME first. Step 4 Linking A File Item to Software FILE ITEM vs Software Item (WINDOW) þ FIND By typing in part or all of a software name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. þ SOURCE* A browse box containing the available software items. þ TARGET* A browse box containing the software items that can download this software. þ SAVE This button saves the information in this window. þ QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.04 How To Add a Software Item Overview Software Item A software item is made up of one or more file items. A software item is what is linkable to nodes, node groups and software groups. Software items have the ability to be Monitored by checking the monitor check box and filling in the Max field with an appropriate value. Below this field is the Used field that displays the current node usage for this software item. Software items can be given download priorities. The highest priority is 0 and the lowest is 9999. These priority are the same for Actions performed on a node. Software and Actions can be intermingled, given the appropriate priorities. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the ITEM option. From the submenu select the SOFTWARE option. Step 2 Browsing Software Items Software ITEM Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a Software Item CREATE Software ITEM (WINDOW) þ NAME Type in the name of the software item. þ PRIORITY Enter a number from 0 to 9999. This number reflects the order in which software can be distributed. 0 is the highest priority. þ AVAILABLE When checked this software item is available for distribution. þ MONITOR When checked this activates the MAXIMUM field. x MAXIMUM (optional) Enter a number from 0 to 9999. This number reflects the maximum number of nodes that can download this software. This option is active only when the MONITOR check box is checked. x NOTES (optional) Type in information you may find relevant. x FILES...* This opens the SOFTWARE ITEM vs Files window. See Step 4. x NODES...* This opens the SOFTWARE ITEM vs Node Items/Groups window. See Step 5. x ACTIONS...* This opens the SOFTWARE ITEM vs Actions window. See Step 6. x GROUPS...* This opens the SOFTWARE ITEM vs Software Groups window. See Step 7. x SAVE This button saves the new software item. x QUIT This button aborts the new software item entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the software item is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking a Software Item to Files SOFTWARE ITEM vs File (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a file item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available file items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the file items that are linked to the software item. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a Software Item to Nodes SOFTWARE ITEM vs Node Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node items that can download this software. x ITEM This radio button displays Node Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Node Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 6 Linking a Software Item to Actions SOFTWARE ITEM vs Actions (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a action item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available Action items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the Action items that are linked to the software item. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 6 Linking a Software Item to a Group SOFTWARE ITEM vs Software Groups x FIND By typing in part or all of a software group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available software groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the software groups that the software item is linked to. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.05 How To Add An Action Item Overview Action Item Action items are the other side to distributing software. Not only can nodes receive distributed software, they also have the ability to perform actions. An action consists of a batch file or an executable program. The Distributor Client program has the ability to run these batch files or programs. Thus, by defining a specific action and linking it to a node or node group, the action will be performed by the node or the nodes in the node group. Actions are required to enable the administrator to remotely administer required file maintenance on various TEXT and INI files. The TXTMAINT and INIMAINT utilities are supplied with Distributor to allow such remote file maintenance to be performed by nodes running Distributor. For example, an action can be defined to check to see if the FILES= statement is in the config.sys file, or an action can be defined to reference a batch file that will check the node for viruses. NOTE: The paths in an action item do not get appended to the node's paths, like the file item paths. An action's paths are complete physical or logical paths in their own right. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the ITEM option. From the submenu select the ACTION option. Step 2 Browsing Action Items Action ITEM Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit an Action Item CREATE Action ITEM (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the action item. x PROGRAM Type in the full path and file name of the program or batch file. This path does not get x PARAMS (optional) Type in the parameters associated with the program. x RUN PATH (optional) Type in the path where the program is to be executed from. x PRIORITY Enter a number from 0 to 9999. This number reflects the order in which actions can be performed. 0 is the highest priority. x AVAILABLE When checked this action can be performed by nodes. x NOTES (optional) Type in any information you may find relevant. x NODES...* This opens the ACTION ITEM vs Node Items/Groups window. See Step 4. x SOFTWARE...* This opens the ACTION ITEM vs Software window. See Step 5. x SAVE This button saves the new action item. x QUIT This button aborts the new action item entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk next to them denote they are unavailable until the action item is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking an Action Item to Nodes ACTION ITEM vs Node Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node items that can perform this action. x ITEM This radio button displays Node Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Node Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking an Action Item to Software ACTION ITEM vs Software (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a software name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available software items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the software items that are linked to this action. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.06 How To Add A Node Item Overview Node Item A node item is the basis for distributing software and performing actions to a node. Each node has a unique node address that is referenced in each node item against each node. A node item can be linked to node groups, software items, software groups, action items, users and user groups. On the lowest link, a node is linked to a software item and it will be checked to see if it contains the same files specified by the file items linked to that software item. On the highest level, a node item is linked to a node group. The node group is then linked to a software group and all software linked to the software group will be checked on the node. Distributor has many types of links to enable the Administrator to define how nodes are linked to software, however they see fit. On the node level, logs are maintained. There are three types of logs. The session, update and action logs give insight to the Administrator to see the node received the software that was designated to it. The session log is always set and cannot be turned on/off here. The update log contains all the file addition, updates & deletions made during a Distributor session for a node; as well as the status of each update. Likewise, the action log contains the actions performed by the node and the status of the action. Zero (0) defines an update or action as having completed successfully. Nodes can be restricted to certain users or user groups. This gives another level of security for the administrator to make sure that unauthorised users cannot run Distributor. NOTE: Nodes are not restricted unless the node item is restricted or the node item is linked to a restricted node group. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the ITEM option. From the submenu select the NODES option. Step 2 Browsing Node Items NODE ITEM BROWSE (WINDOW) x Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a Node Item CREATE Node ITEM (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the node item. x ADDRESS Type in the hexadecimal address of the node's network card. x SOURCE PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the root source download area for this node. x TARGET PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the root target download area for this node. x SALVAGE PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the salvage area for this node. x AVAILABLE When checked this node is available to download software and to perform actions. x SECURITY When checked any unauthorised software in unauthorised directories on the node will be removed. x LOG UPDATES When checked all changes made to the node will be logged for each Distributor session. x LOG ACTIONS When checked all actions performed by the node will be logged for each Distributor session. x SALVAGE When checked all files removed during a Distributor session will be copied into the designated salvage area. x RESTRICTED* When checked the USERS... button becomes enabled to allow the administrator to link users and user groups to this restricted node item. x NOTES (optional) Type in any information you may find relevant. x SOFTWARE...* This opens the NODE ITEM vs Software Items/ Groups window. See Step 4. x ACTIONS...* This opens the NODE ITEM vs Actions window. See Step 5. x USERS...* This opens the NODE ITEM vs User Items/Groups window. See Step 6. x GROUPS...* This opens the NODE ITEM vs Node Groups window. See Step 7. x SAVE This button saves the new node item. x QUIT This button aborts the new node item entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the node item is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking a Node Item to Software NODE ITEM vs Software Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a Software Item/group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available Software Items/groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the Software Items/groups that are can be distributed to this node. x ITEM This radio button displays Software Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Software Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a Node Item to Actions NODE ITEM vs Actions (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a action item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available action items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the actions that can be performed from this node. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 6 Linking a Node Item to Users NODE ITEM vs User Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a user item/group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available user items/groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the user items/groups that are can run Distributor from this node. x ITEM This radio button displays User Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays User Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 7 Linking a Node Item to Groups NODE ITEM vs Node Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node groups that the node item is linked to. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.07 How To Add A User Item Overview User Item A user item is the username of the user logged into a Distributor session. The username is registered if the user is not in the user item table; only if the NLM is flagged to register unknown users. User items can be registered against node items or node groups for security purposes. If a user tries to run Distributor from a node that is restricted, and the user logged in is not linked to that node, the Distributor session will be terminated with the "Node Restricted To User" error. NOTE: Nodes are not restricted unless the node item is restricted or the node item is linked to a restricted node group. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the ITEM option. From the submenu select the USER option. Step 2 Browsing User Items USER ITEM BROWSE (WINDOW) x Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a User Item CREATE User ITEM (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the user item. x AVAILABLE When checked this user is available to run Distributor . x NOTES (optional) Type in any information you may find relevant. x NODES...* This opens the USER ITEM vs Nodes window. See Step 4. x GROUPS...* This opens the USER ITEM vs User Groups window. See Step 5. x SAVE This button saves the new user item. x QUIT This button aborts the new user item entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the node item is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking a User Item to Nodes USER ITEM vs Node Items (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node this user can run Distributor from. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a User Item to Groups USER ITEM vs User Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a user group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available user groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the user groups that the user item is linked to. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.08 How To Add a Software Group Overview Software Group Software groups are used to group software items. Software groups can be linked to node items and node groups. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the GROUP option. From the submenu select the SOFTWARE option. Step 2 Browsing Software Groups Software GROUP Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a Software Group CREATE Software GROUP (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the software group. x AVAILABLE When checked this software group is available for distribution. x NOTES (optional) Type information you may find relevant. x NODES...* This opens the SOFTWARE GROUP vs Node Items/Groups window. See Step 4. x ITEMS...* This opens the SOFTWARE GROUP vs Software Items window. See Step 5. x SAVE This button saves the new software item. x QUIT This button aborts the new software group entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the software group is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking a Software Group to Nodes Figure 4.08.3 SOFTWARE GROUP vs Node Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node items that are part of this software group. x ITEM This radio button displays Node Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Node Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a Software Group to Items SOFTWARE GROUP vs Software Items (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a software group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available software groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the software groups that are part of this software group. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.09 How To Add A Node Group Overview Node Group Node groups are used to group node items. Node groups can be assigned to software items, software groups and action items. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the GROUP option. From the submenu select the NODE option. Step 2 Browsing Node Groups Node GROUP Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a Node Group CREATE Node GROUP (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the node group. x SOURCE PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the root source download area for this node group. x TARGET PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the root target download area for this node group. x SALVAGE PATH (optional) Type in the full physical or logical path of the salvage area for this node group. x AVAILABLE When checked the nodes that are linked to this node group are available to download software and to perform actions. x NOTES (optional) Type in any information you may find relevant. x SOFTWARE...* This opens the NODE GROUP vs Software Items/ Groups window. See Step 4. x ACTIONS...* This opens the NODE GROUP vs Actions window. See Step 5. x USERS...* This opens the NODE GROUP vs Users window. See Step 6. x ITEMS...* This opens the NODE GROUP vs Node Items window. See Step 7. x SAVE This button saves the new node group. x QUIT This button aborts the new node group entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the node group is SAVEd. NOTE: If a Node Item's source path, target path or salvage path are left blank, the first Node Group that has values for these fields will be used by the Node Item. Step 4 Linking a Node Group to Software NODE GROUP vs Software Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a software item/group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available software items/groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the software items/groups that are can be distributed to this node group. x ITEM This radio button displays Software Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Software Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a Node Group to Actions NODE GROUP vs Actions (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a action item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available action items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the actions that can be performed by nodes belonging to this group. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 6 Linking a Node Group to Users NODE GROUP vs User Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a user item/group name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available User items/groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the User items/groups that are can run distributor from this node group. x ITEM This radio button displays User Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays User Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 7 Linking a Node Group to Items NODE GROUP vs Node Items (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node item name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the node items that are linked to this node group. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.10 How To Add a User Group Overview User Group User groups are used to group user items. Since user groups can be assigned to restricted nodes, it makes it easier to allow access to a node on the user group level, as well as the user item level. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the GROUP option. From the submenu select the SOFTWARE option. Step 2 Browsing Software Groups User GROUP Browse (WINDOW) Click on the NEW button. Step 3 Create/Edit a User Group CREATE User GROUP (WINDOW) x NAME Type in the name of the user group. x AVAILABLE When checked this user group is available for distribution. x NOTES (optional) Type information you may find relevant. x NODES...* This opens the USER GROUP vs Node Items/Groups window. See Step 4. x ITEMS...* This opens the USER GROUP vs User Items window. See Step 5. x SAVE This button saves the new user group. x QUIT This button aborts the new user group entry. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote they are unavailable until the software group is SAVEd. Step 4 Linking a User Group to Nodes USER GROUP vs Node Items/Groups (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a node name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available node items/groups. x TARGET* A browse box containing the restricted node items/groups that the user group can access. x ITEM This radio button displays Node Items in the Source and Target browse boxes. x GROUP This radio button displays Node Groups in the Source and Target browse boxes. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. Step 5 Linking a User Group to Items USER GROUP vs User Items (WINDOW) x FIND By typing in part or all of a user name, the box below will highlight the closest matching entry. x SOURCE* A browse box containing the available user items. x TARGET* A browse box containing the user items that are part of this user group. x SAVE This button saves the information in this window. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. NOTE: Options with an asterisk (*) next to them denote that they are browse boxes. Moving items from one browse box to another is achieved by highlighting the line in the browse box and pressing the SPACEBAR or ENTER keys. A mouse double click will also achieve the same result. 4.11 How To Change Global Distributor Settings Overview Global Settings Distributor has the ability to reference global settings such as logging, registration and allowing nodes to access the Distribution process. Generally, all the global setting are set by definition. If, for example, the Administrator wanted to turn all logging off, but did not want to go through every node item to see if logging is enabled for each node; the Administrator would turn off logging from the Distributor Setup screen. Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the UTILITY option. From the submenu select the SETUP option. Step 2 Edit Global Settings DISTRIBUTOR SETUP (WINDOW) x Distributor is On Line when checked Distributor is able to be accessed by all valid nodes. x Software can be distributed to nodes When checked software can be downloaded to all valid nodes. x Actions can be executed by nodes When checked actions can be performed by all valid nodes. x Log all software updates When checked all node software updates can be logged. x Log all programs executed from nodes When checked actions can be performed by valid nodes. x MESSAGE This is the message that is displayed whenever a node runs the Distributor Client program. It can be modified by the administrator to suit. x SAVE This button updates the global Distributor settings. x QUIT This button aborts all changes made in this window. 4.12 How to Browse Node Sessions Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the REPORT option. From the submenu select the LOGS option. Step 2 Browsing Node Items Node INFORMATION Browse (WINDOW) Highlight the NODE ITEM you wish to seek information on. Click on the SESSION button. Step 3 Browsing Node Sessions Node SESSIONS for [NODE] (WINDOW) x NODE SESSIONS A browse box of the selected node's sessions. The sessions are listed starting with the most current and ending with the oldest. Use the cursor keys to move through the browse. x CLOSE A button that closes this window. 4.13 How to Browse Node Updates Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the REPORT option. From the submenu select the LOGS option. Step 2 Browsing Node Items Node INFORMATION Browse (WINDOW) Highlight the NODE ITEM you wish to seek information on. Click on the UPDATES button. Step 3 Browsing Node Update Information Node UPDATES for [NODE] (WINDOW) x NODE UPDATES A browse box of the selected node's file updates. The updates are listed starting with the most current and ending with the oldest. Use the cursor keys to move through the browse. x CLOSE A button that closes this window. 4.14 How to Browse Node Actions Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the REPORT option. From the submenu select the LOGS option. Step 2 Browsing Node Items Node INFORMATION Browse (WINDOW) Highlight the NODE ITEM you wish to seek information on. Click on the ACTIONS button. Step 3 Browsing Node Action Information Node ACTIONS for [NODE] (WINDOW) x NODE ACTIONS A browse box of the selected node's performed actions. The actions are listed starting with the most current and ending with the oldest. Use the cursor keys to move through the browse. x CLOSE A button that closes this window. 4.15 How to Clear Node Logs Overview Clearing Logs There are two (2) ways in which logs can be cleared. From within the Distributor Administration program or using the CLEARLOG.EXE utility supplied with Distributor. The CLEARLOG utility takes a single parameter, being the full database path to the Distributor Database Tables: clearlog.exe f:\distribu.tor\tables [enter] NOTE: Whichever method is used, do not clear the logs if a node is currently running Distributor with the Client program! This could cause the node not to complete the software distribution and actions properly. From the Administration program, the user can follow the steps below: Step 1 Main Menu DISTRIBUTOR ADMINISTRATION (WINDOW) From the Main Menu select the REPORT option. From the submenu select the LOGS option. Step 2 Browsing Node Items Node INFORMATION Browse (WINDOW) Click on the CLEAR button. Step 3 Zap the Node Log Files CLEAR ALL LOGS (WINDOW) x YES Click on this button to clear the log files for all nodes. x NO Click this button to leave the logs intact. NOTE: Make sure that no nodes are currently running Distributor. Clearing logs files while nodes are running Distributor may cause nodes not to complete their Distributor sessions properly. 4.16 Running the Client Program The Distributor Client Program (SDCLIENT.EXE) is executed by all the nodes that wish to run Distributor as a push system. A push system means the user has no say in what software is to be downloaded or what actions are performed. Most of the time, this system is ideal on large networks to ensure the user has the correct software. As its name implies, the node is the client and the Distributor NLM is the server. The following section gives an overview of the Client program's modes and switches: Running the Client Program with the '/A' Switch The simplest way to instigate a Distributor session between a node and the NLM is to have the node execute the client program from its DOS prompt with the /Automatic switch: C:\>sdclient.exe /a [enter] The client program will try to locate the first server that has the Distributor NLM server program loaded. If the client is successful in locating a valid server on the network, then it will try to establish a session with the Distributor NLM server. The NLM 'wakes up' when it receives a request from the client. It checks to make sure that the client is a valid node address in its node items table. If the node's address is not in the node item table and the NLM has been flagged to register new nodes; the new node will be registered by the NLM and an entry will be inserted into the node item table. The new node entry will be flagged as unavailable. If the user, currently logged into the node, is not registered, then it will be added and made available in the user item table, as long as the NLM has been flagged to registered new users. Running the Client Program with the '/N' Switch This switch specifies the node item name the NLM should use to base the download instructions and actions to perform for the node. In this case, the node's address is not the governing factor for the NLM to know which node item to use. NOTE: This switch allows a large amount of flexibility from the client end. The Administrator can emulate a particular node by specifying the node item's name. For example, if the node item HARRYS_PC is given, the PC running the Client program will download HARRYS configuration of software and actions: C:\>sdclient.exe /nHARRYS_PC [enter] Make sure the node name is typed in correctly and leave no spaces between the /n and the node name. NOTE: This switch is also used to allow server-to-server software distribution; this is very handy in the multi-server environment where a master server contains the latest software image, and overnight, for example, the Distributor Client program is run from a batch file with the specific node name to allow server-to-server distribution. Note that these types of node names should be restricted to the user logged in to the node that runs this process. Normal nodes and users should not have access to this type of node name. Running the Client Program with the '/S' Switch This switch specifies the network server on which to try and establish contact with the Distributor NLM program. For example, if the server FRED_1 exists on the network and has the Distributor NLM loaded, the following command would make sure the Distributor session takes place between the node and the server FRED_1: C:\>sdclient.exe /sFRED_1 [enter] Make sure the server name is typed in correctly and leave no spaces between the /s and the server name. Running the Client Program with the '/T' Switch This switch specifies the timeout period before the Distributor Client program will terminate with the TIMEOUT error. On large networks, during heavy traffic times, the delay between sending a request and receiving instructions may be longer than the default timeout period of approximately 10 seconds, given as /T170. C:\>sdclient.exe /t300 [enter] The above value of 300 will cause the Client program to wait up to approximately 20 seconds before timing out with a TIMEOUT, NO RESPONSE error. 4.17 Running the Select Program The Distributor Select Program (SDSELECT.EXE) is executed by all the nodes that wish to run Distributor as a pull system. A pull system allows the user to choose what software they wish to download. This program displays all the software items that the node has been given access to. The user simply selects the software to download and only the selected software is downloaded/checked. The Select program has the same switches that the Client program has. See section 4.16 for more details. 4.18 Backing Up the Database The Distributor Database consists of approximately 30 Btrieve tables. These files are kept open by the Distributor NLM Program and consequently the tables cannot be backed up whilst the NLM has the Distributor database held open. A utility (SDTABLES.EXE) has been supplied that tells the NLM to close down the tables. This means the NLM does not require to be unloaded to backup the Distributor Btrieve Tables. The SDTABLES program takes the following parameters: /cLOSE This switch will close the Btrieve Tables of the Distributor Database. /oPEN This switch will open the Btrieve Tables of the Distributor Database. /sSERVER_NAME (optional) where SERVER_NAME is the name of the server to send the request. The specified server must have the Distributor NLM Program already loaded. 4.19 Unloading The NLM To make sure no nodes are running Distributor, from the Administration Program, change the global settings to have DISTRIBUTOR set as OffLine. Then wait for 10 minutes, to be safe, and proceed to unload the NLM. The Distributor NLM Program can be unloaded from the file server console by typing: unload sdserver [enter] IMPORTANT ========= After you press ENTER for the above command, the NLM should terminate normally without any further ado, or participation from you. If a message of some kind appears, check that it is one of the messages below and follow the instructions given: MESSAGE 1 --------- "Unload module anyway? n", DO NOT UNLOAD THE NLM. Simply press the "N" key to leave the NLM loaded. Repeat the procedure by typing in the unload command until the NLM exits normally. MESSAGE 2 --------- "Node(s) are currently active... If you know for sure that Node(s) are NOT active, CLEAR the log files first - then unload this NLM." If you are certain that no-one is running DISTRIBUTOR, then you may unload the NLM by presssing the "Y" key. Otherwise, press "N" and try again in 5 minutes. PART 5 Utilities Distributor contains three (3) separate utility programs that help automate software distribution across your network: x INI File Maintainer This utility allows remote configuration of INI files on network nodes. x Text File Maintainer This utility allows remote configuration if text files on network nodes. x PROGMAN.INI Builder This utility allows remote building of PROGMAN.INI files for configuration of *.GRP files for the WINDOWS(tm) product. 5.01 INI File Editor Overview The INI file editor program is called INIMAINT.EXE, and is a powerful utility used for maintaining remote INI files on nodes. INIMAINT allows you to remotely edit INI files by replacing, inserting or deleting complete lines. Parameters The INIMAINT program takes a single parameter - the INI CONTROL FILE. This control file has a special format that dictates what INIMAINT will do. The Ini Control File The INI Control File has a possible nine (9) controls that are used together to tell INIMAINT what to do: x file This control dictates the full path, including drive designator, of the INI file that is to be modified. x backup (optional) This control dictates the filename to copy the INI file BEFORE any changes are made. If this control is omitted, or left blank, no backup is made. x heading This control is the name of the INI heading to look for. A heading is always given in square brackets. For example, [Btrieve]. x token (optional) This control specifies the left-hand- side of a normal INI statement. For example, under the [Btrieve] heading, the token called OPTIONS is given as options=...... This control is only optional when deleting an entire heading block. x setting (optional) This control specifies the right- hand-side of a normal INI statement. It can also be part of the right- hand-side of an INI statement. x action This control specifies what action is to be taken with the INI file. There are four (4) actions: x replace This action will replace all of an existing INI statement. x replaceInsert Same as the replace action, but will insert the required text, if the INI statement does not exist. x delete This action will delete all of an existing INI statement. x deleteAll This action will delete an entire heading block. x type This control specifies whether the action concerns an entire INI statement on part of the statement. x complete This indicates that the entire INI line is affected. x position This control specifies where the changes are to be made. It has the following settings: x start If a token is to be replaceInserted, then it will be inserted at the start of the heading specified. x end The token will be replaceInserted as the last valid INI statement in the heading given. x before This control is used in conjunction with the text control which specifies the token to insert a new INI line before the text given. x after This control is used in conjunction with the text control which specifies the token to insert a new INI line after the text given. x text This control is used to specify where an INI modification is to be made. Example 1 The following example replaces or inserts a complete INI statement: file = c:\windows\win.ini heading = [Btrieve] token = options setting = /p:1024 /f:30 /t:C:\TEMP action = replaceInsert type = complete The line replaced or inserted will be: [Btrieve] options=/p:1024 /f:30 /t:C:\TEMP Example 2 The following example replaces or inserts a complete INI statement before the options= statement: file = c:\windows\win.ini heading = [Btrieve] token = maximum setting = 100 action = replaceInsert type = complete position = before text = options The line replaced or inserted will be: [Btrieve] maximum=100 options=/p:1024 /f:30 /t:C:\TEMP Example 3 The following example deletes a complete INI statement called options=: file = c:\windows\win.ini heading = [Btrieve] token = options action = delete type = complete 5.02 Text File Editor Overview The TEXT file editor program is called TXTMAINT.EXE, and is a powerful utility used for maintaining remote TXT files on nodes. TXTMAINT allows you to remotely edit TXT files by replacing, inserting or deleting complete lines. Parameters The TXTMAINT program takes a single parameter - the TXT CONTROL FILE. This control file has a special format that dictates what TXTMAINT will do. The TXT Control File The TXT Control File has a possible eight (8) controls that are used together to tell TXTMAINT what to do: x file This control dictates the full path, including drive designator, of the TXT file that is to be modified. x backup (optional) This control dictates the filename to copy the TXT file BEFORE any changes are made. If this control is omitted, or left blank, no backup is made. x token This control specifies the text to look for in a TXT statement. For example, "FILES=". This text must be the left most text on a give text line, if it is a replace, or delete action. x setting (optional) This specifies what to replace or insert into the TXT file. x action This control specifies what action is to be taken with the TXT file. There are four (4) actions: x replace This action will replace all of an existing TXT statement. x replaceInsert Same as the replace action, but will insert the required text, if the TXT statement does not exist. x delete This action will delete part of all of an existing TXT statement. x deleteAll This action will delete an entire heading block. x type This control specifies whether the action concerns an entire TXT statement on part of the statement. x complete This indicates that the entire TXT line is affected. x position The control specifies where the changes are to be made. It has the following settings: x start If a token is to be replaceInserted, then it will be inserted at the start of the heading specified. x end The token will be replaceInserted as the last valid TXT statement in the heading given. x before This control is used in conjunction with the text control which specifies the token to insert a new TXT line before the text given. x after This control is used in conjunction with the text control which specifies the token to insert a new TXT line after the text given. x text This control is used to specify where an TXT modification is to be made. Example 1 The following example replaces or inserts a complete TXT statement: file = c:\windows\win.ini token = FILES= setting = FILES=61 action = replaceInsert type = complete The line replaced or inserted will be: FILES=61 Example 2 The following example replaces or inserts a complete TXT statement before the FILES= statement: file = c:\windows\win.ini token = BUFFERS= setting = BUFFERS=30 action = replaceInsert type = complete position = before text = FILES= The line replaced or inserted will be: BUFFERS=30 FILES=61 Example 3 The following example deletes a complete TXT statement called SHELL=: file = c:\windows\win.ini token = SHELL= action = delete type = complete 5.03 PROGMAN.INI Builder Overview The PROGMAN.INI file builder program is called PMIBUILD.EXE, and is a specifically designed to build PROGMAN.INI files remotely on nodes. Parameters The PMIBUILD program takes a single parameter - the full pathname to the stub part of a standard PROGMAN.INI file. The stub contains the starting of the PROGMAN.INI file, up to, but not including, the [Groups] statement. Output The directory where the PMIBUILD.EXE is executed is where the PROGMAN.INI file is created. The PROGMAN.INI stub is copied into the current directory. All the *.GRP files are scanned and appended to the newly added [Groups] section of the newly created PROGMAN.INI file. PART 6 Glossary A Glossary of all the terms used in this manual may be of help to clear up any possible ambiguities with different computer terminologies. File Item A reference to a group of files on a server. It is used by the Distributor Administration Program to store information about a group of files on a server. Node A PC Workstation. Note Item A reference to a Node. It is used by the Distributor Administration Program to store information on a Node. Node Group Used by the Distributor Administration Program to store information about a group of Node Items. Software Item A reference to a Software Product or group of file(s). It is used by the Distributor Administration Program to store information on a group of File Items. Software Group Used by the Distributor Administration Program to store information about a group of Software Items. PART 7 Appendices This section covers error messages and other important aspects of Distributor and its operation. The following sections have been placed here: x Client Program Error Messages x Troubleshooting 7.01 Client Program Error Messages The Distributor Client Program has various error messages that are described in this section. Where appropriate, a procedure to avoid the error in future is given. Error -1 Node Not Found This error indicates the node's address could not be located in the Distributor Database. This will occur only if the GLOBAL automatic registering of nodes is turned off. Error -2 Node Not Available This error indicates the Node Item has been flagged as unavailable. Either it is a newly registered Node Item, or the Administrator has flagged the Node Item as unavailable. Error -3 N/A Error -4 Failed To Open Socket This error indicates the Netware socket could not be opened. This may occur if all temporary sockets have been utilised on the network. This is highly unlikely. Check to see that the user is logged into the network. Error -5 Failed To Close Socket This error indicates that the Netware socket could not be closed. Check to see that the network connection for the node is still valid. Error -6 Failed To Get Local Target This error indicates the Client Program could not find the nearest address of a router that knows the address of the server on which the Distributor NLM Program has been loaded. Check to see that user has logged in correctly. Error -7 Failed To Get Connection Information This error indicates the Client Program could not get valid connection information about the node. Check to see that the user has logged in. Error -8 Failed To Locate Record This error indicates that the NLM Server failed to locate a record it was expecting to find. Check to see the NLM is loaded with a valid database path. Error -9 Node Registered Successfully This error indicates the node was not in the database before the Client Program was run on the node. During the execution of the Client Program, the NLM program registered this node in the database as a new node item. All automatically registered nodes are initially made unavailable. Error -10 Node Limit Exceeded This error indicates that the maximum number of nodes allowed with this licence of Distributor has been reached or exceeded. Distributor will not run if more that the maximum number of node items in the database exist. Remove node items until the maximum number of node items is less than or equal to the number of nodes allowable for your Distributor licence. Error -11 Invalid Physical Source Path This error indicates that the Client Program encountered an invalid physical source path. The physical source path is given as [Server]/[Volume]:[Full path] where the files for current software item are located. Check to see that all file items defined in the database reference real network directories. Also, check that the node has access rights to the specific source path. Error -12 Invalid Logical Source Path This error indicates that the source path of the files to download is unavailable or invalid. Check the spelling in the FILE ITEM section of Administration Program for the culprit FILE ITEM. This FILE ITEM the error occurred on can be traced in the Node Update Log, assuming that Update Logging has been activated for the node. Also, check that the node has access rights to the specific source path. Error -13 Invalid Logical Target Path This error indicates that the target path of the files to download is unavailable or invalid. Check the spelling in the FILE ITEM section of Administration Program for the culprit FILE ITEM. This FILE ITEM the error occurred on can be traced in the Node Update Log, assuming that Update Logging has been activated for the node. Error -14 Timed Out, No Response This error indicates that a response to the node's packet sent to the Distributor NLM Server was not received within an allotted time. Check the node's network connection. Check the server the Distributor NLM is loaded on. Check all cable connections. Error -15 Demonstration Date Exceeded This error indicates that this demonstration version of Distributor has exceeded its valid demonstration date for evaluation. Please contact your dealer about future possibilities concerning the product. Error -16 Failed To Set Drive This error indicates that the Client Program was unable to change to the specified drive in the source/target path. Check to see that the path does in fact exist and that the node has access rights to the relevant drive. Error -17 Failed To Change Directory This error indicates that the Client Program was unable to change to the specified directory in the source/target path. Check to see that the directory does in fact exist and that the node has access rights to the relevant directory. Error -18 Failed To Create Temp File This error indicates the Client Program was unable to create a temporary work file on the target path of a File Item. Check to see the node has access rights to the relevant path. Check to see the target path has not run out of disk space. Error -19 Failed To Open Temp File This error indicates the Client Program was unable to open a temporary work file on the target path of a File Item. Check to see the node has Modify/Change/Read/Write access rights to the target path. Error -20 Failed To Copy File This error indicates the Client Program was unable to copy a file from the source area to the target area. Check to see the node has Modify/Change/Read/Write access rights to the target path. Error -21 User Not Available This error indicates that the User logged in, running the Client program, has been flagged as unavailable to run Distributor. Error -22 Not My Packet This error indicates the Client Program has received a packet that was for another node running the Client Program. This error should not occur. If it does, a major network hiccup may be the reason. Error -23 Failed To Close Temp File This error indicates the Client Program was unable to close a temporary file on the target path. Check to see the node has Modify/Change/Read/Write access rights to the target path. Error -24 Failed To Erase File This error indicates the Client Program was unable to erase file on the target path. Check to see the node has Modify/Change/Read/Write access rights to the target path. Error -25 Failed To Record Insert This error indicates the Client Program has received a message from the NLM Program that it could not insert a log record or new node entry. Check the diskspace on the server that the Distributor NLM Program is on. Check that this server is running Btrieve 6.1x at least. Error -26 Stub Path Not Defined This error indicates the NLM Program was unable to establish valid source and/or target stubs for a Node Item. Check to see the node has its Source and Target paths defined. If the Node Item does not have its paths set, check to see a node is part of a Node Group that has its Source and Target paths defined. Error -27 Failed To Create Directory This error indicates the Client Program was unable to create a directory in the target node's disk. Check to see that the Client Program/User has the correct privileges to create a directory where specified. Error -28 Server Unavailable This indicates the Distributor Database Server has been flagged GLOBALLY as Off-Line. This setting is changeable in the UTILITY-SETUP section of the Distributor Administration Program. Error -29 Failed To Delete Record This error indicates that the NLM Program was unable to delete a Btrieve record. Check to see that the server that has the NLM loaded is running at least version 6.1x of Btrieve. Error -30 File List Exhausted This error indicates that the Client program has run out of memory to store file names. The Client program is able to store up to 2000 files per directory. If unusually large directories exist, then this error will occur if files are distributed from or to this directory. Create separate directories to decrease the number of files in the offending directory. Error -31 Directory List Exhausted This error indicates that the Client program has run out of memory to store directories. The Client program is able to store up to 2000 directories per target drive. If an unusually large number of directories exist, then this error will occur. Error -32 Remove Directory List Exhausted This error indicates that the Client program has run out of memory to store files in a directory to remove from the target node. The Client program is able to store up to 2000 files per directory. If an unusually large number of files exist, then this error will occur. Separate the offending directory into smaller directories. Error -33 Invalid Directory This error indicates that the Client program has found an invalid directory on the target node. Check to see that the number of directories on the target node does not exceed 2000, or the target node does not have a corrupted File Allocation Table. If possible, run the DOS CHKDSK.EXE utility on the target drive. Error -34 Invalid Instruction This error indicates that the Client program has received an invalid instruction from the Distributor NLM Server Program. This error should not occur, but check to make sure the network link is still valid for that node. If this error still occurs, check the network card and possibly the node itself. Error -35 Node Restricted To User This error indicates that the User is not allowed to run Distributor from the current node. The node has been restricted to certain user(s) and/or user group(s) and the currently logged in user is not a part of the valid users/user groups. Error -36 Failed To Get Equal Record This error indicates that the Distributor Server was unable to locate a record it was expecting to find. Check to make sure that the server the Distributor NLM is loaded on has Btrieve 6.1x or later running. Bring down the Distributor Server and reload it. Error -37 Failed To Locate Service This error indicates the Distributor NLM Server could not be located. To allow Distributor to function properly, the NLM must be loaded correctly. Refer to the chapter on INSTALLATION, under PHASE 2. Check to see the NLM server was loaded with a valid database path. If the Client program was invoked with the /S switch, then make sure that the server name was typed in correctly and that the server specified is on-line and up on the network, and that the Distributor NLM is loaded on that server. Error -38 Failed To Locate Service Information This error indicates that the Distributor Server or the specified server was located, but the server's net address was unable to be obtained. Make sure the server specified is available on the network. Error -39 Node Restricted To User Group This error indicates that the node was part of a node group that has been restricted to certain users and/or user groups. The user that was logged in was no a member of any valid user or user group. Error -40 Tables Not Open This error indicates that the tables used by the NLM Server Program were closed. Run the SDTABLES.EXE with the /Open switch to re-open the database for use with the NLM. Error -41 Could Not Open Tables This error indicates that the tables used by the NLM Server Program could not be opened wit the SDTABLES program. Check to make sure the server has enough file handles to open all the Btrieve tables. See the troubleshooting section for more information. Error -42 Could Not Close Tables This error indicates that the tables used by the NLM Server Program could not be closed. This error will occur if Distributor thinks that a node(s) is currently active. Clear the LOG files and try again. Make sure that Distributor has been taken offline from the UTILITY/SETUP section in the Administration program first before you try to close the tables. 7.02 Data Definition Files (DDF's) Supplied with Distributor are three Data Definition Files that allow Microsoft's Access program to view the Distributor Database Tables. The following steps show how to setup to view and report on these Btrieve tables: Step 1 Mapping The Database Tables The DDF's (Data Definition Files) require that the Distributor tables are referenced from the drive: R:\ The following statement will enable the Distributor Tables to be referenced correctly by the DDF's: map root r:=sys:distributor\tables Step 2 Microsoft Access Run WINDOWS and load up the MS- Access program. Create a new database with the name DISTRIB.MDB, for example. Step 3 Attaching To Btrieve Tables Once the DISTRIB database is open, you are able to attach to Btrieve tables. From the FILE menu, select the Attach Table... option. From the ATTACH window, select the Btrieve list item. This will open the SELECT FILE window. From this window, select the f:\distribu.tor\ddf directory and the FILE.DDF item will appear in the listbox below the file name box. Select this file and the ATTACH TABLES window should appear with a list of tables names. These table names reference directly the Distributor Database Tables. By selecting a table from the list, the message saying the table was successfully attached should appear shortly. If a message, saying the operation failed, make sure the R:\ drive was mapped correctly in step 1. Make sure you have access to the database table area on the server. If the message for exclusive access appears, make sure that in the View/Options/MultiUser settings is set the SHARED. Step 4 Browsing the Database Tables Once the a Distributor Database Table has been attached to the DISTRIB database, you can open the table and browse the data. NOTE: Do not modify any records! The data should only ever be modified from the Distributor Administration Program. Step 5 Running Reports & Queries Now that you have the tables attached to the DISTRIB database, you can run queries and reports with the powerful features supplied in MS-Access. It was always intended to supply the reports to suit every Network Administrator's needs; now this can be achieved from Microsoft's Access program and the supplied Data Definition Files! 7.03 Trouble Shooting This section is designed to help with those unforeseeable problems that are not catered for anywhere else in this manual. Loading the NLM Server Program 7.02.01 - I keep getting the message "Unable to load file . If you are just typing in "load sdserver", make sure you have copied the NLM into the SYS:SYSTEM directory. Otherwise, make sure you are correctly referencing the physical directory in which a valid copy of the NLM program exists. 7.02.02 - I keep getting the message that the NLM could not open certain files(s). Make sure that the database path specified is a physical one. Do not use a logical path to define the path to the database. Eg: load sdserver z:\distribu.tor\tables is wrong. load sdserver sys:distribu.tor\tables is correct. Make sure that Btrieve 6.1x, at least, is loaded prior to loading the NLM. The Distributor NLM requires approximately 30 files handles to operate properly and open all the necessary tables it uses. Together with the administrator opening the tables for administration, a total of 60 file handles are required. Initially, Btrieve allocates a total of 20 file handles; this is not enough. Through the Btrieve utility BSETUP.NLM, allocate enough handles for the NLM and the Administration Program to run simultaneously. From experience, 100 file handles is optimum. To change the Btrieve setting on your file server, consult your Btrieve manual for further information. PART 8 Demonstrations & Tutorials This section has been designed to help the first-time Administrator to come up to speed with Distributor quickly and efficiently. 8.01 Quick Start Tutorial To get up and running with Distributor quickly, the following guide has been designed to walk the first-time Distributor Administrator through a series of steps to demonstrate Distributor downloading files to a PC and getting the PC to perform an action. Once the Administrator has configured a node, created software and actions and successfully run the client program from a PC, the Administrator will have a clear understanding of the overall operation of Distributor. NOTE: It is assumed that DISTRIBUTOR was installed in the DEFAULT path of F:\DISTRIBU.TOR where F: is mapped to the SYS: volume of the file server. Step 1 Installing Distributor Follow the first phase of the Installation procedure outlined in Part 2 of this manual. Once the files have been installed on the server, you may proceed with the next step. Step 2 Loading Btrieve 6.1x Distributor operates with Btrieve tables. Btrieve 6.1x or greater must be loaded prior to loading the Distributor NLM program. Check to make sure Btrieve is loaded and enough handles have been allocated. The optimum number of file handles required to run Distributor NLM and Administration programs is 100 file handles. If Btrieve is loaded, from the system console, type bstop and press enter. From the system console, type load bsetup and press enter. Select the Set Btrieve Configuration and press enter. Set the Number of Open Files and Number of Handles to 100 each. If you wish to be compatible with pre v6.x files, set the Create Btrieve files in pre v6.x format to YES. Save these settings and exit. From the system console, load Btrieve by typing in the command bstart and pressing enter. Make sure Btrieve loads successfully. IF not, see your Btrieve manual for details on the error message(s) given. Once the Btrieve record manager is loaded successfully on the file server, you may proceed to the next step. Step 3 Loading the NLM From the file-server console, the Distributor NLM is to be loaded. If you installed Distributor into the default path of sys:distribu.tor then the following command will load the Distributor NLM module: load [spacebar] sys:distribu.tor\server\sdserver [spacebar] sys:distribu.tor\tables [enter] Please note in the above example the [spacebar] means pressing the spacebar. Do not type in [spacebar] literally. Approximately 5 lines will appear on the system console telling that the Distributor NLM has been loaded, along with the number of licences for the network. If any error messages appeared, check to make sure that Btrieve is loaded and that you typed in the load command for the NLM correctly. Check to make sure that the NLM (SDSERVER.NLM) is in the F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\SERVER directory. Once the NLM has been loaded without any errors, you may proceed with the next step. Step 4 Creating a Software Download Area An area on the server is required to be setup to hold the software that can be downloaded by nodes on the network. A node that runs Distributor must be mapped into a server that contains the software that can be downloaded. It is assumed that the server that DISTRIBUTOR was installed on will be used to create the Software Download Area. Create the directory F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE. This directory will be the root for all software to be available for down load. Now, create the directory we will use to test Distributor: F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE\TEST. Copy some files into this directory. For example, your DOS directory would do nicely. It contains about 4 megabytes of files; this would be a good test. Step 5 Create a Salvage Area Distributor can salvage files that are to be deleted from a node. Create the salvage area F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\SALVAGE. Step 6 The Netware DISTRIBUTOR User Group From the SYSCON utility, create a user group called DISTRIBUTOR. For testing purposes, create a user called DISTUSER and link the user to the user group. Step 7 Access Rights From the SYSCON utility, give the DISTRIBUTOR user group the Trustee Directory Assignments of SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR with Read, Filescan access rights. Also give the DISTRIBUTOR user group the Trustee Directory Assignments of SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR\SALVAGE with Read, Filescan, Create, Write access rights. Step 8 The System Login Script At the top of the system login script, place the following lines: ;------------------------------------------------- ; Distributor Section Begins Here ;------------------------------------------------- if member of "DISTRIBUTOR" then begin map ins s1:=SYS:PUBLIC map root o:=SYS:DISTRIBU.TOR #o:\client\sdclient.exe /a map del o: exit endif ;----------------------------------------------- ; Distributor Section Ends Here ;----------------------------------------------- Step 9 Automatic Node Registration Distributor automatically registers unknown nodes that run the Distributor SDCLIENT and SDSELECT programs. By logging in as DISTUSER, the SDCLIENT program well be executed from the system login script. Because the node is running the SDCLIENT program for the first time, the node will not be known to the NLM program and will consequently be registered. Login as DISTUSER. The following error will shortly appear on the node's screen: (-9) Node Registered Successfully. If this error does not appear, check all the previous steps were completed successfully. If the above error did appear, you may login as your previous username and proceed to the next step. Step 10 The Distributor Administration Program Prior to running the SDADMIN program, your PC must have the brequest.exe loaded. This executable file is in the sys:public directory. It can be loaded high and takes up about 30K. Eg: loadhigh brequest Make sure the version of BREQUEST is 6.1x or greater. You are ready to run the Distributor Administration program. It is recommended that you have a mouse driver loaded (as long as you also have a mouse!). Change to the F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\ADMIN directory. Create a batch file to run the administration program: copy con go.bat [enter] sdadmin f:\distribu.tor\tables [enter] [F6] [enter] Now type go and press enter to run the Distributor Administration program. You will be presented with the about window that tells you who Distributor is registered to and how many nodes this program is capable of administering. Press [spacebar] or click on the big button that says Press me to close this window. Step 11 Creating a File Item From the main menu, select the ITEM option and then from the pulldown menu, select the FILE option. You will be presented with an empty browse box as you have not entered any File Items yet. Press the INSERT button on you keyboard, or click on the NEW button under the browse box. From the Create FILE Item window, fill in the following fields: (you can move to next field by pressing the TAB key and back to the previous field with the SHIFT+TAB key combinations) Name : TEST ONLY (1/1) FileSpec : *.* Source Path : \TEST Target Path : \TEST In the notes box, type in: This is my first file item! [enter] Save this new File Item by pressing [ALT+S], [enter] or by clicking on the Save button. Press [ESC] to return the main menu. Step 12 Creating an Action Item From the main menu, select the ITEM option and then from the pulldown menu, select the ACTION option. You will be presented with an empty browse box as you have not entered any Action Items yet. Press the INSERT button on you keyboard, or click on the NEW button under the browse box. From the Create ACTION Item window, fill in the following fields: (you can move to next field by pressing the TAB key and back to the previous field with the SHIFT+TAB key combinations) Name : TEST ONLY Program : C:\DOS\MEM Params : /C | MORE Run Path : [Blank] Priority : 0 In the notes box, type in: This is my first action item! [enter] Save this new Action Item by pressing [ALT+S], [enter] or by clicking on the Save button. You may notice that the buttons at the bottom of the screen have become active. Now press [ESC] to exit this screen to return to the previous browse box of Action Items. You will notice the browse box now contains the new Action Item. Press [ESC] to return the main menu. Step 13 Creating a Software Item From the main menu, select the ITEM option and then from the pulldown menu, select the SOFTWARE option. You will be presented with an empty browse box as you have not entered any Software Items yet. Press the INSERT button on you keyboard, or click on the NEW button under the browse box. From the Create SOFTWARE Item window, fill in the following fields: (you can move to next field by pressing the TAB key and back to the previous field with the SHIFT+TAB key combinations) Name : TEST ONLY Priority : 0 In the notes box, type in: This is my first software item! [enter] Save this new Software Item by pressing [ALT+S], [enter] or by clicking on the Save button. You may notice that the buttons at the bottom of the screen have become active. Now press [ALT+F], [enter] or click on the Files... button to link the File Item we entered previously to this Software Item. Step 14 Linking File Items To Software You will see two browse boxes. The left box contains all the File Items that are not linked to this Software Item, and the right box contains all the File Items the are linked to this Software Item. Now press [ALT+O], [spacebar] to move the TEST ONLY (1/1) File Item over to the TARGET browse box; or with the mouse, double-click on the TEST ONLY (1/1) File Item to move it into the TARGET browse box. Now press [ALT+S], [enter] or click on the Save button to save the new link information. Press [ESC] to return the main menu. Step 15 Linking Action Items To Software Now press [ALT+A], [enter] or click on the Actions... button to link the Action Item we entered previously to this Software Item. You will see two browse boxes. The left box contains all the Action Items that are not linked to this Software Item, and the right box contains all the Action Items the are linked to this Software Item. Now press [ALT+O], [spacebar] to move the TEST ONLY Action Item over to the TARGET browse box; or with the mouse, double-click on the TEST ONLY Action Item to move it into the TARGET browse box. Now press [ALT+S], [enter] or click on the Save button to save the new link information. From the Create SOFTWARE Item screen, press [ALT+S], [enter] or click on the Save button to save the new software Item. Press [ESC] to return to the previous window. At this stage, we have successfully created a Software Item that is linked to a File Item and an Action Item. We are now ready to link the Software Item to the newly registered Node Item. Press [ESC] to return the main menu. Step 16 Editing the Newly Registered Node Item You are ready to edit the existing, newly registered Node Item. From the main menu, select the ITEM option and from the pulldown menu select the NODE option. You will be presented with a browse box which should have one Node Item listed, something like *NEW:##########, where the #'s are the node's ethernet address. Press [ALT+C], [enter] or click on the Change button to edit this Node Item. From the Edit NODE Item window, edit the following fields: (you can move to next field by pressing the TAB key and back to the previous field with the SHIFT+TAB key combinations) Name : TEST_NODE Address : [Leave as is] Source Path : O:\SOFTWARE Target Path : C:\TESTING Salvage Path : O:\SALVAGE Check the Available check box, to make this Node Item available for Distribution. In the notes box, type in: This is my first node item! [enter] Now press [ALT+W], [enter] or click on the Software... button to link this Node Item to the Software Item we entered previously. Step 17 Linking Software Items To Nodes You will see two browse boxes. The left box contains all the software Items that are not linked to this Nod Item, and the right box contains all the Software Items the are linked to this Software Item. Now press [ALT+O], [spacebar] to move the TEST ONLY Software Item over to the TARGET browse box; or with the mouse, double-click on the TEST ONLY Software Item to move it into the TARGET browse box. Now press [ALT+S], [enter] or click on the Save button to save the new link information. Press [ESC] to return to the previous window. From the Edit NODE Item screen, press [ALT+S], [enter] or click on the Save button to save the changes to the Node Item. Press [ESC] to return the main menu. Press [ESC], [spacebar] to EXIT program. This node we have registered is now ready to download the software assigned to it; mainly all the files in the source directory called F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\SOFTWARE\TEST to the node's target directory called C:\TESTING\TEST. Step 18 Downloading Software To A Node Now we are ready to download software to the node we registered last time we logged in as DISTUSER. Login as DISTUSER. The Distributor Client Screen should appear and towards the bottom of the screen will be displayed the source and target files that are being copied. When the Distributor Client Program finishes, there should not be any error messages. Once the software has been downloaded, from then on, it is only checked to make sure that the source files match the target files, and that no target files are missing. If you logout, and login again as DISTUSER, you will notice that the Distributor Client Program ran for barely a second as no files had been altered on the target path and consequently, no files needed to be updated. Step 19 The Nineteenth Hole After the last 18 steps, you have seen a small demonstration of Distributor. It is suggested that you explore the Administration Program more thoroughly, experimenting where you wish. There is a DEMO directory; its full path is F:\DISTRIBU.TOR\TABLES\DEMO. When experimenting, use this path as the first parameter when running the SDADMIN.EXE program. If you wish to try out some of your tests by running Distributor from the DEMO directory, make sure you unload and reload the NLM with the correct path to the Btrieve Distributor Database. Happy trails! .EOF.